Скрипторий: Monster - ore louse (rage of elements)
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НЕТ ПЕРЕВОДАMonster - ore louse (rage of elements)
Ore Louse
Creature 5
Ore lice are six-legged insectile creatures that roost either just beneath or above the water's surface. They're highly territorial toward both strangers and each other, able to detect an intruder through the ripples in the water. Due to their diet, ore lice have incredibly tough chitin that's infused with metal. Cannibalism between ore lice is common when they're unable to locate other prey.
Though there are far more suitable environments for ore lice bordering the Plane of Air, the creatures are often found where the Plane of Earth meets the Plane of Water. This was a mystery that puzzled many—until the Plane of Metal returned between the Planes of Earth and Water. Planar researchers realized that ore lice must have hunted here before the planar schism. On the Plane of Metal, ore lice often appear in horror stories chasing down metal elementals and ferociously devouring them. Their connection to Ferrumnestra adds to their infamy.
Recall Knowledge - Beast ( Arcana, Nature): DC 20
Unspecific Lore: DC 18
Specific Lore: DC 15
Though there are far more suitable environments for ore lice bordering the Plane of Air, the creatures are often found where the Plane of Earth meets the Plane of Water. This was a mystery that puzzled many—until the Plane of Metal returned between the Planes of Earth and Water. Planar researchers realized that ore lice must have hunted here before the planar schism. On the Plane of Metal, ore lice often appear in horror stories chasing down metal elementals and ferociously devouring them. Their connection to Ferrumnestra adds to their infamy.
Recall Knowledge - Beast ( Arcana, Nature): DC 20
Unspecific Lore: DC 18
Specific Lore: DC 15
Source Rage of Elements
Perception +14; darkvision, metal scent 30 feet, wavesense 120 feet (imprecise)
Skills Athletics +12
Str +1, Dex +4, Con +2, Int -2, Wis +3, Cha +0
Metal Scent An ore louse can smell metal as a precise sense.
AC 22; Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +10
HP 60
Speed 35 feet, swim 60 feet; water stride
Melee finesse), Damage 2d8+4 piercing plus rust and metal snack mandibles +14 [+9/+4] ( Melee finesse, 10 feet reach), Damage 2d8+4 bludgeoning plus Knockdown leg +14 [+9/+4] ( Melee range increment 20 feet), Damage 2d8 acid plus rust oxidizing spit +14 [+9/+4] ( Consume Living Metal manipulate) Requirements The ore louse is adjacent to a creature that died within the last hour and had the metal trait or was another ore louse; Effect An ore louse can replenish its health by eating the remains of its kin or a once-living metal creature. The ore louse feasts upon the corpse, regaining 3d6 Hit Points. The ore louse can regain Hit Points from a given corpse only once. ( Metal Snack An ore louse gains 5 temporary Hit Points each time its mandibles Strike either damages or breaks a metal item using its rust ability, or if it hits a creature that has the metal trait or is made of metal. Rust An ore louse's Strikes causes metal to rapidly rust and corrode. If it succeeds at a mandibles or oxidizing spit Strike, the ore louse deals 3d6 damage (or double damage on a critical hit) to a metal item the target is wearing or holding, ignoring its Hardness. If the ore louse hits an unattended metal item, the item takes this damage automatically. If a creature uses the Shield Block reaction with a metal shield against the attacks, the shield is automatically broken, but no other item is rusted on that attack. Water Stride The ore louse can stand and move on the surface of water or other liquids without falling through. The ore louse can go underwater if it wishes, but it must Swim to do so.
Perception +14; darkvision, metal scent 30 feet, wavesense 120 feet (imprecise)
Skills Athletics +12
Str +1, Dex +4, Con +2, Int -2, Wis +3, Cha +0
Metal Scent An ore louse can smell metal as a precise sense.
AC 22; Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +10
HP 60
Speed 35 feet, swim 60 feet; water stride
Melee finesse), Damage 2d8+4 piercing plus rust and metal snack mandibles +14 [+9/+4] ( Melee finesse, 10 feet reach), Damage 2d8+4 bludgeoning plus Knockdown leg +14 [+9/+4] ( Melee range increment 20 feet), Damage 2d8 acid plus rust oxidizing spit +14 [+9/+4] ( Consume Living Metal manipulate) Requirements The ore louse is adjacent to a creature that died within the last hour and had the metal trait or was another ore louse; Effect An ore louse can replenish its health by eating the remains of its kin or a once-living metal creature. The ore louse feasts upon the corpse, regaining 3d6 Hit Points. The ore louse can regain Hit Points from a given corpse only once. ( Metal Snack An ore louse gains 5 temporary Hit Points each time its mandibles Strike either damages or breaks a metal item using its rust ability, or if it hits a creature that has the metal trait or is made of metal. Rust An ore louse's Strikes causes metal to rapidly rust and corrode. If it succeeds at a mandibles or oxidizing spit Strike, the ore louse deals 3d6 damage (or double damage on a critical hit) to a metal item the target is wearing or holding, ignoring its Hardness. If the ore louse hits an unattended metal item, the item takes this damage automatically. If a creature uses the Shield Block reaction with a metal shield against the attacks, the shield is automatically broken, but no other item is rusted on that attack. Water Stride The ore louse can stand and move on the surface of water or other liquids without falling through. The ore louse can go underwater if it wishes, but it must Swim to do so.